Olá Pessoal,
Blog do KylanRobson há um ótimo tutorial para instalação e uso do SVN em conjunto com o Google Code e o NetBeans no Windows (dica de
JulianatNobrega). Para quem usa o sistema operacional Ubuntu/Linux é ainda mais simples, a única diferença está na instalação do SVN. No linux basta digitar sudo apt-get install svn que o controle de versão será instalado, o restante dos procedimentos se mantém os mesmos. Abaixo segue o texto original do Blog do KylanRobson, ainda em inglês que pretendo traduzir, há também um link para a versão em Russo! rsrsrs!
Eu instalei o Tortoise SVN e não funcionou, nunca tinha utilizado. Sempre usei o cliente
CollabNet Subversion, este cliente de SVN funcionou perfeitamente no meu Windows 7.
This tutorial is intended to explain how to use
Subversion to participate in
Google Code projects using
NetBeans in a
Windows environment. (
Russian version)
First, some definitions. Subversion (SVN) is a
revision control system used in
software development projects. It logs the complete history of a project and can be used to coordinate the efforts of many different developers. Google Code is a project hosting service run by
Google. It provides a number of different tools that can help facilitate the design, implementation, and deployment of a software application. NetBeans is an
integrated development environment (IDE) supported by Sun Microsystems. Windows is a popular operating system published by Microsoft. This tutorial will specifically focus on Windows XP, although it may be applicable to other versions, as well.
- A Google account.
- Membership in a Google Code project.
- A computer running Windows, with NetBeans installed.
Installing SVN:
In order to retrive the latest version of the source code and upload changes, it is necessary to install a Subversion client. There are a number of SVN clients available, but one of the best options for Windows is Tortoise SVN. The installer is located
here. After downloading and installing this program, the computer must be restarted.
The Google Code Password:
One of the most confusing things about Google Code is that users can sign in to the site with their Google Account password, but code checkout requires a Google Code password. (The user name for both of these activities is the same.) Here are the steps for finding an account’s Google Code password:
- Go to the Google Code project. The URL should be http://.googlecode.com/.
- Sign in using the Google Account.
- Click on the Source tab.
- Click on the Checkout link.
- Click on the link called googlecode.com password.
- Write down the password. It will be needed later.
Checking Out the Code:
It is helpful to establish a file directory structure to organize the project source code. Under My Documents, create a folder called
NetBeans. Inside the NetBeans folder, create another folder with the same name as the project. This folder will hold all of the source files for the project. The following steps will check out the source code and download it to the project folder:
- Use Windows Explorer to enter the project folder.
- Right-click in the window, and select “SVN Checkout…” from the list. This brings up the Tortoise SVN checkout dialog.
- Under “URL of repository” enter https://dupysoft-tracs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/
- Under “Checkout directory” browse to …\My Documents\NetBeans\.
- Click OK.
- Enter the Google Code user name and password when prompted.
The source code should now appear in the project folder. The checkout is complete.
Opening the Source Code in NetBeans:
- Start the NetBeans application. Choose File->New Project…->Java Project with Existing Sources
- Click “Next”
- Under “Project Name” enter the project name.
- Under “Project Folder” browse to the NetBeans folder in My Documents.
- Click “Next”
- Click “Add Folder…” and select the project folder.
- Click “Next” and then “Finish”
Updating the Source Code:
Before each editing session, it is a good idea to update the local copy of the source code. This will incorporate all of the checked in changes from all of the developers working on the project. To update the source, simply go to the project folder, right-click, and select “SVN Update.”
Checking In the Source Code:
After modifying the code, checking in the source will move the changes from the local computer to the Google Code repository. To check in the source code, navigate to the project folder, right-click, and select “SVN Commit…” In the message box, enter a short description of the changes that were made. Press “OK” to send the changes to Google Code.